welcome, dear internet traveler! it seems youve stumbled upon my little website, BOBCAT.MOE! this website serves as my personal outlet for my brain, so just think of it as a visual representation of my mind! please note that due to the nature of my interests, some pages may be unsuitable for younger viewers (-16) and may contain medical imagery and such. also this site was made on a laptop for pc, however i am working on an index page designed for mobile users!

i hope you enjoy your stay!

★彡 to-do

mobile index literally every page??? im taking so much time to make sure the index is perfect gurlll fdfbgnhmj,k

webrings / cliques

mostly placeholders so i remember to join them b,,;

I am demonic ★

aromatic // fairy bread



feeling... The current mood of gummywormhydra at www.imood.com

